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Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) Without flowers

Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides)

Regular price Rs. 499.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 499.00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Conditions: Intermediate to warm

Plant Size: Matured |  Please refer to plant picture for size reference.

Pot Size: 4 cm

Potting Media: None

Shipping & Delivery

Plants are shipped within 1-2 business days. It takes 1-3 days to deliver, depending on the location. Learn more

Spanish moss is native to North, Central and South America When watering Spanish moss, make sure to use purified, distilled, or rainwater. Do not use chlorinated water. Keep Spanish moss moist as much as possible, so mist the plant whenever it is dry. Spanish moss has permeable scales that “catch” moisture and nutrients. Spanish moss prefers moist environments, but its ability to trap water lets it survive dry periods. Spanish moss can be hung around Vanda roots to reduce the drying of the Vanda roots.


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    1. Colors, patterns & size of the flowers can vary due to the variations produced by hybrids or species.

    2. There are chances that the buds/flowers could dry up in transit during Shipping after packing.

    3. The local climatic conditions, season and the nutrition given can affect the brightness & colour intensity of flowers.

    4. While we make every effort to match the actual colours of the flowers, the photographs may not be the exact representation, due to different monitor settings.

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